Outdoor Lighting: Floodlights

Outdoor lighting is crucial for life to continue its usual course when daylight diminishes and ultimately when the sky goes completely dark. Different outdoor areas have distinct lighting needs. For i

Holistic Saving Approach in Industrial Areas

Today, due to the increasing energy costs, the importance of saving is increasing day by day. There are many important factors for us to achieve full savings in lighting. By bringing together the righ

Brand New Lawn Luminaires from Pelsan to Parks and Gardens, Square and Walkways

Parks, gardens and squares are the places where people come together, and they are open for use during the daytime as well as in the evening. The lighting design of these areas is as important as th

Human Centric Lighting

Light has many emotional and biological effects on humans. Natural sunlight has a dynamic structure according to the rhythm of life. Today, however, most of our time is spent in environments with elec


It has become very important to provide energy efficiency and savings, which are necessary for achieving sustainability goals on a global scale. For this purpose, important studies are carried out to

Solar System

It is system lighting that reduces the need for electricity by utilizing solar energy. The initial investment cost eliminates the operating cost. It provides an advantage with the lighting systems tha


Natural light is often insufficient for the energy needed in the farm. In these cases, light systems solutions are used to achieve faster growth or to collect regular crops. thanks to the developing a

Provide Ultra Hygiene with UV-C Technology

Ex-proof luminaires do not produce sparks and arcs that may cause explosiToday, the fight against pathogenic organisms such as bacteria and viruses continues in all areas of our lives. The lighting pr

Things to Know About Ex-Proof

Work security comes first. In order to ensure occupational safety, it may be necessary to take special precautions in some facilities, unlike others. In environments where explosive materials are pres

Importance of Emergency Lighting and Direction Luminaires

Emergency Situations are Under Assurance with New "Ausled" Emergency lighting / routing luminaires engaged in situations such as power outages, earthquakes, fires and terror during which ordinary lig